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Cahooque Creek Revisited


About 6 weeks ago I attempted to make a canoe fishing trip to Cahooque Creek only to find that the access was closed for repairs. After learning that the repairs were complete and the site had been re-opening, I recently took another trip to Cahooque Creek, canoe and fishing rod in tow.


The Cahooque Creek site is owned by Croatan National Forest, however the boat ramp is maintained by NC Wildlife Resources Commission. The NCWRC renovated the boat ramp and added a floating dock and the gravel packing area has been expanded to accommodate more boat trailers. There is also a separate parking area for vehicles without a trailer.


The weather was beautiful but very hot and humid. There was just enough of a breeze to keep it bearable and bug free but not enough wind to make paddling a challenge.


Cahooque Creek was weeded up more than I had ever seen it. The prolific aquatic vegetation made for some very difficult and frustrating fishing. Mullet were jumping, and other fish seemed to be swirling about as well but I couldn’t seem to catch anything but weeds.


The real gem of Cahooque Creek is way up the creek where it narrows down heading towards the head waters. In the past, I’ve caught largemouth bass way up the creek. It is more or less a freshwater creek near the head waters away from the influence of the might Neuse River.


No fish on this day. No gators. No snakes (always a good thing in my humble opinion). Lots of birds as always. Ducks, red winged black birds, turkey vultures and ospreys abounded. Total paddle time was about 4 hours.


I brought my GoPro camera to shoot video but found it to have a dead battery upon arrival. I patched together a little video with cell phone video:

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