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Cape Lookout National Seashore Camping - September 2022


A quick overnight camping trip to Cape Lookout National Seashore in Carteret County, North Carolina. Practically in our backyard and despite visiting numerous times, we have never done an overnight here. We decided when the weather cooled off and there was a good forecast we would go. Weather ended up being perfect if not quite windy. The wind kept the bugs down on the beach but was pretty rough on our tent and gear.

We used the Island Express Ferry Service to get to the island and back. They were excellent about accommodating campers and their gear. Water is available on the island except in the coldest months but you have to carry everything else with you. Luckily, we used to do a lot of backpacking so we have all the gear already.

Leaving the dock, the Diamond Lady and all set up on the beach....


An incredible sunset, a yummy dinner and night time ghost crab hunting!


Sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean, terns and pelicans everywhere....


Heading home after an awesome night on the beach....


A short video from our trip...

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