Sunday morning spring canoe paddle across The Straits to Brown’s Island. Brown’s Island is located between Harkers Island and Marshallberg. It was privately owned by the Brown family of Marshallberg for years. Some of the island is still in private hands but much of it has been bought by the State of NC to protect as wild lands. Along with a great diversity of native wild flora and fauna, the island is home to feral horses, cows and goats that were put on the island for grazing years ago.
Brown’s Island made the news in 2019 when it caught on fire. Click here to read a local news article about the fire. Damage from the fire is still very evident on the island at the time of this writing.
Please be respectful if visiting the island. Some of it is still privately owned (so technically you are trespassing) and the portions owned by the state are designated a special wildlife area (whatever that means). Camping is not allowed on the island.
The waters around the island teem with life. Abundant grass beds are home to all manner of crabs and fish. Oysters and clams abound as well. It is an absolutely wonderful place to paddle and explore.